Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Happiest Day of Our Lives (so far)!

The Joeys made it legal yesterday! No, I'm not talking about getting our marriage license (we already did that), I'm talk about getting our building permit! WE HAVE A PERMIT! I can't tell how relieved I am. I feel like a new women -- seriously.

The permit consumed both our lives for the last 3 months particularly all of June. There were a lot of tears, a lot swear words, plenty of begging and pleading and now it's all over and we've got it. I'm so happy that it doesn't even matter that it took 1 month longer than it should have (our paperwork sat on someone's desk while he was on vacation for 3 weeks) or cost us over $2000 more than we were told initially. All that matters is we got it and we break ground Monday.
Getting our permit came at the perfect time. We've got less than a month to go and we both really need to focus on the wedding. Lucky for us, we planned ahead and made some decisions about the house (roofing, siding and kitchen) that should allow my Dad and his team work through our honeymoon without us needing to make any major decisions.

Anyone else have a non-wedding related victory lately that will surely help free up some much needed wedding planning time?

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