Monday, May 18, 2009

This is Really It - Part 1

I know over the next 6 months we're going to have a few, " This is Really it - we're adults and in it together," moments. I'm not sure how to explain the feeling. Like we're REALLY getting married.

Our first "This is Really It" moment came a few weeks ago at an unlikely place, our financial planners office. We were there filling out the forms to buy life insurance and it hit me, I'm actually worried how Mr. Joey will continue financially if should pass away early. It's totally morbid (as is life insurance) but it was an important thought. We are really in this together for life. I want to make sure he can still pay our mortgage and live in our house without me and he feels the same way. Pretty soon we'll be putting together wills and changing beneficiary information on all our employer benefit forms. This is adult stuff! :)

Have you made any "benefit" or insurance steps together? Did it make you feel like you we're making big steps toward a future together?

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