Saturday, June 20, 2009

When Mr. Joey's Away...

...Ms. Joey will find wedding inspiration.

Mr. Joey got a grant thing from the Gilder Leherman Institute of American History to spend a week in Washington D.C. studying the 1960's.  While it doesn't sound like the most exciting thing to most, he's really excited about it and I'm really excited he's excited.

With him gone, I'm free to spend as much time on the Internet as I want.  Saturday night was no exception.  I went hunting for more table number inspiration and stumbled upon my inspiration for our wedding.

This amazing wedding was featured on Style Me Pretty back in May but apparently I missed it.  It's encompasses a lot of the ideas I had floating in my head but have had a hard time bringing together.

The weird thing about finding this amazing wedding is that I feel like I'm copying them but I'm not, not really.  Within the first week of getting engaged, I knew our wedding colors were going to be grey and yellow.  Mr. Joey said no pink or red.  I LOVE grey.  It goes with everything. And I love yellow.  It makes me happy.  I thought about a grey and green combination but our apartment is largely grey and green and we needed something special.

So I've found my inspiration 7 months after I had my original idea.  Does that make sense?  Has anyone else discovered the inspiration for the style/design of their wedding after they started working on their wedding?

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