Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Saving Up

Mr. Joey and I have been saving up for the honeymoon. No, I'm not talking about saving our pennies (though we are saving those too). I'm talking about gathering up things to do during out LONG flight to Sydney. An 18+ hour journey for me is pretty normal but for Mr. Joey, I worry. The 5 hour flight from NYC to Seattle drives him crazy, so I can only imagine what the flight from LA to Sydney will do.

I've started saving magazines when they come. We get a good range of them, Sunset, New Yorker, Esquire, Outside, Readymade, so I'm good on that front. I just need to keep myself from reading the occasional article. We plan making a stop at out local goodwill. They sell paperbacks for $0.79 and you can always find something good there. I always stop at the goodwill to buy books for a trip. I don't feel so bad leaving a $0.79 book on the plane or in a hotel.

The other thing we've been saving up are podcasts. I listen to news programs on the way to work most days but on Monday evenings, I get the pleasure of listening to This American Life. I think I really like the show because I feel like it's entirely possible I would hear someone I know on the show one week. Heck, I could be on the show. If they ever do a show on kidnapping capers in a foreign country, I'm their girl.

It's been really hard not to listen to the show, but I'm doing my best. I also like Stuff You Missed in History Class. Mr. Joey has also been saving podcasts. He's got a nice collection of Car Talk and NPR: All Songs Considered he hasn't listened to yet.

Right now we don't have nearly enough to listen to but we have time to save up. We're trying to avoid current events since we read the paper almost daily. Any suggestions? Which non-video podcast series do you like?

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