Friday, April 10, 2009

Who's Going to Shake Their Booty with Me?

Thanks to everyone who helped us make a decision about the after party. We are definitely going with Option 3 : A party later in the evening. I think everyone will need a chance to recover after the ceremony and reception.

Now that we have that bit sorted, the next thing we're thinking about is the guest list. Obviously, everyone who attended the wedding is invited. What we can't decide is whether to open up the after party to friends and co-workers who weren't invited to the day's earlier festivities. Since we worked at the EMP together several years ago, Mr. Joey and I have a lot of friends in common we only see occasionally who aren't invited to the wedding. Also, everyone at Mr. Joey's school knows we're getting married this summer at the school. The priest announced it during a faculty meeting. So much for secrets! I also have some people from work I'd love to invite.

We wish we could have invited everyone but it just isn't in the budget. Is it weird to invite people to the after party who weren't invited to the wedding? Would you feel slighted that you weren't invited to the wedding or would you be happy to share a few drinks with us later in celebration?

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