Friday, March 13, 2009

The brown dress plan

Like many people, I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I'm 5' 1.5" (yes, the half inch is important) and at my heaviest, I was about 175 lbs. I'm sure part of it has to do with genetics, some with bad eating habits (lots of rice as a child) but a lot of it was because I didn't workout much. I had asthma as a kid and once had an attack so bad it kept me in bed for a month. After that my Mom was hesitant to let get involved in too much physical activity. I didn't fight her hesitation.
In the last 10 years, my weight has yo-yoed quite a bit. My first significant weight loss happened at 18 years old in Russia during a study abroad semester. While everyone was gaining 5 to 10lbs, I lost 25lbs not doing anything in particular. I'm sure it was the change in diet and all the extra walking I was doing. I didn't feel any different but my clothes were looser.
I gained about 10lbs back, but still I had lost quite a bit of weight overall. When I got back, I started dabbling in the gym, but nothing serious. I'd ride a recumbent bike or hit the Stairmaster while I read for my classes.

Towards the end of my first trip to Russia. Check out my eyebrows! And my chins...

My second big weight loss again came in Russia. When I was 20 I spent another semester in Russia and this time lost about 15lbs. It was great. This time I really noticed the weight loss. I could see it in my figure. I had curves! Mama Joey and sister Joey came out to visit me at the end of my time in Moscow and couldn't believe what they saw. I think my mom was proud. I was so excited.

Following my semester in Moscow, I spent the summer teaching English at summer camps in Poland. In Poland I got down to my skinniest and most unhealthy size. I went from a size 8 to about a size 2 in 2.5 months. The food at camp was awful. I could barely stomach it and sometimes I wasn't sure it had any nutritional value at all. I think once I had pasta with fruit boiled in sugar and water over it. The weird thing is that I love Polish food. It's hearty and altogether yummy. Too bad I didn't have any at camp. It got so bad that I was actually losing hair. When I got home from Poland I put on about 25lbs within 2 months. I'm sure that was way too fast but my body was hurting for nutrition.

The years I spent in DC and Manchester have to be my healthiest. During my first stint in DC, a co-worker introduced me to Spinning. I LOVED it. I was going 3 times a week and taking a 30 minute abs class twice a week. I ate what I wanted but got down to about a size 6/7 and stayed there. I think the big thing is that I felt really good. I had energy and staying at my size was comfortable. Yes, I had to get to class, but I liked it. I tried to eat healthy but I didn't feel bad if I had a burger and a beer for dinner.

Me and my friend Di in Manchester. Why does my pinky stick out?

Since I've move back to Seattle, I've definitely put on some weight. I've gone from the comfortable size 6/7 to about a 10. So I'm using my wedding as a way to get back on track. I don't have a set amount of pounds I want to lose before the wedding. The places I'd like to target are my upper arms and my calves. My real fitness goal for the wedding and beyond is to fit into this cute little brown dress I used to wear all the time when I lived in DC. I worn it at a time in my life when I was healthy and happy about the way I looked. I'm using the dress to get back there.

I'm not using weight goal because my body plays tricks on me. Really. I can fluctuate 10lbs in a 24 hour period. I have gone down 2 dress sizes and only lost 3 lbs. I don't understand and it's easier (and less discouraging) for me to not focus on weight.

Oh the back rolls and chins...

So, what am I doing to get into the dress? Well, I think I'm going to try to recreate part of my DC life style.

1. Spin class twice a week.
2. Eating breakfast and help my metabolism along (I'm so good at skipping breakfast).
3. Weights and abs about an hour a week
4. Get in other cardio at least once a week

I think the biggest change I plan to make is around walking and buying food. I think one of the biggest things I did to help my weight loss along in DC was walk. I didn't have a car, so I walked everywhere. I liked it. DC is a great walking city. Also, I only ate what I could carry. The grocery store was about 1/2 mile from my apartment, so there was no point in taking the metro there. If I couldn't carry it, I couldn't but it. If I didn't buy it, I didn't eat it. Even though I don't have a car now, I do have access to Mr. Joey's on the weekends for all our food shopping needs. I can buy whatever I want. I think my big change will be buying only what I can carry.

I work 4 blocks from 2 grocery store and 2 minutes walk from a Trader Joe's. If it means buying a couple meals at a time, then I guess that's how it's going to be. If I really need eggs, I'm going to have to go out and walk to get them.

I'm hoping these changes will get me into my brown dress and keep me there for a very long time. Want to see the brown dress? It's coming:)

Have any of your wedding weight loss/health goals extended post-wedding?

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