Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Roll, roll, band, wrap, stuff, label and repeat

I spent a Wednesday night putting our invitations together. We went with the unconventional wedding invitation, a very large poster. I think it's 9x21. Seriously. No reply card or maps, just instructions to email RSVPs to our new communal email address.


Roll (only for out-of-town guests)

Band - I bet you can imagine a rubber band:)




Repeat - 50 times!

I got the paper lace on Etsy from bookerpie. 12 yards for $3.50? A steal! I put the invitations together while Mr.PapayaDog watched a UW basketball . He offered his help but I had fun doing it myself.

The last step in the packaging process was putting on the stamps but they hadn't arrived yet. I found stamps I like but they weren't available at my post office. It took a week to get them but aren't they super cute?!

My "workstation"


Did you put your invitations together all at once or steps? Did you have a team or did you do it yourself?

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