Friday, February 13, 2009

Dani’s bachelorette extravaganzia!

My friend Dani is getting married in April and over Martin Luther King Day weekend her super awesome Matron of Honor, Ellie, and Maid of Honor, Kasey, threw an amazing bachelorette weekend for her in Whistler. It was so well planned. There were 12 girls total; her bridal party of 8 (yes 8), Dani, two other friends and myself. Girls flew in from all over California and one person from New Mexico. Kasey and Ellie did a great job. They researched places to stay, booked an amazing cabin that slept all of us comfortably, set up transport from Seattle to Whistler, arranged meals in and out of the cabin, organized a theme night (Dani Through the Ages) and put together a night of dancing all without Dani knowing.

The Dani through the Ages night was hilarious! Each girl portrayed Dani from a different point in her life and dressed the part. Dani is a Drama Queen (no she’s not a handful, she’s actually an actress/English teacher), so there was no shortage Danis to select from. I was wedding planning Dani. I wore a veil and carried around a check list. Her fiance gave me ideas of how to assemble the pink wedding binder she has and even wrote a few lines for me to say. My favorite was Summer Camp Dani played by Kasey. It was the outfit! It was soooo good! Pleated denim shorts, Heidi braids and a fanny pack – how could she go wrong?! The interesting thing about Dani Through the Ages is that when we lined up in chronological order of Danis, we actually unintentionally lined up in the order we had met her.

While there were a lot of organized activities in the evenings, there was also a lot of time for people to do what they wanted during the day. A group of us went snowshoeing while another went skiing. I absolutely loved tubing at the tube park! The nice part of each day was ending the evening in front of the TV watching Sex and the City. It wasn’t so much watching the show, but talking about situations we had been in that were similar to the ones portrayed in the episode we were watching.

I really loved this trip and saw how really lucky Dani is. I never had a lot of girlfriends growing up. I didn’t feel I was missing out until a saw what a great bunch of girls Dani had in her life. I don’t feel bad about it though, I have 10 years travel memories instead. I feel so lucky to have been allowed to enter her circle. I can’t wait to see everyone again in April.
What’s the best bachelorette party you’ve been too? Was there anything really special you did or was it the people you were with, or both?

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