Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Yoga Virgin No More!

I've been resisting Yoga for several years. I have no idea why but I have. I'm weird, I know. I've tried DVDs and Yoga on our Wii Fit, but I think they just discouraged me from taking a class. The Wii Fit was ok but doing the DVDs just hurt my knees.

A few months back, I was talking to a friend from LA who teaches Yoga and she suggested I tried a class just to learn proper form and the basics. She said it would help my knees. I took her advice and enrolled at this great local studio, 8 Limbs Yoga. The instructor was awesome. She went slow, focused on form, breathing and other basics (like standing and sitting up straight) and was really attentive to everyone.

I did the 3 week, 6 hour course for $60 (a deal if I do say so) and I think I may go back. They have a great intro deal right now -- unlimited 2 month access for $102. They offer a range of classes at different levels including a session about practicing yoga at home. I definitely want to take that class. It would be the perfect way to continue Yoga on a budget after my 2 month deal expires. I may not be able to afford going to the studio 2 or 3 times a week but once a week and practicing at home should be very doable.

I took this class because I thought it would help with my knees but so far I'm getting so much more out of it. I definitely feel more relaxed and for 2 whole hours I forget I'm getting married and building a house. Blueprints, RSVPs and DIY projects are the last thing on my mind. My back and stomach muscles are definitely sore the day after class. I may not be sweating, but I am working something. I've also noticed that already I'm consciously trying to stand and sit up straight. This will help on the wedding day when I'm gliding down the aisle!

I love taking new classes. I took pottery last year and hoped to continue with it but work and the studio location made it to difficult. Post-wedding, I might try and find a closer studio. I should have taken a screen-printing class before I attempted our invitations. I think that would have really helped! I really want to take Pilates or Tai Chi. What new classes have you taken (health or otherwise) to help prepare for your wedding? Was it worth it?

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