Friday, March 27, 2009

Doing My Homework : The Make-Up

Make-up, Make-up. What to do about wedding day make-up? I can either go with something a little more natural or, I can go with something a little different. My initial thought it do something different.

I'm already wearing a short dress and yellow shoes, why not complete the look with something a little more daring on my face? Something like this?

All these option are different for me because I don't use much shadow. I wear eyeliner (bottom and top lid) and mascara, but that's it. I love the color on the eyes in all these pictures but the nearly nude lip.

I could also break out of my normal routine and go with a dark lip color. I can pull it off with my skin color.

Or I can go with a little more natural look with the help of some eyeliner. Maybe something like this?

The last option is to going with something in between. Natural with a little POP!

all images from project wedding
Both these shots have a more dramatic lash but less color around the eyes.
I'm not sure which direction to go in. Hopefully Ashley and I can try a few.
Are you going with a more natural look or something a little more daring than usual for your wedding day?

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