Monday, March 23, 2009

The Big Invite

I make all the posters for Mr. Joey's band the Tailenders. I'm no professional by any means but I love doing it because it gives me a chance to be creative and be part of activities he enjoys.

When we thought about invitations, I suggested doing a full size poster and Mr. Joey loved it. We didn't know how or what it would look like, but that it would be big and different. No mention of our parents, no mention of bringing two souls together,  just the details and the design.

I came up with 10 to 15 options for posters. The early versions were busy and not quite right. Eventually I work my way down to one basic design and it was just a matter of figuring out what size paper and where to place it on the paper.

We have this great Modest Mouse poster hanging by our front door that's about 9 inches wide and 23 long that we both love. It fits perfectly in the Clips frame available at Ikea. I decided if we were going big, then we were going big. That would be the size of the paper. Mr. Joey agreed and I re-designed the invitation to fit.

If you recall, I tried to screen-print the invites myself but they just didn't come out right.   I was really upset about having to outsource the job but I also had to face reality.

In the end, it doesn't really matter that I had to have someone else print them.  I love the way they turned out.  I love that our invitations are different.  I could never produce anything like Mrs. Cupcakes invites but I wanted our invitations to also have a lasting impression on those who received it.  I think these will fit the bill.  

I had other invitation ideas.  I suggested to Mr. Joey we sing the invitation to people, burn it onto a CD and send it in a specially made CD jacket.  He wasn't feelin' it like I was.

Did you do anything out of the ordinary for your invites?  What was the most memorable invite you received?

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