Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pass the Pimms!

I'm not a huge drinker, but my favorite drink is the Classic Pimms Cup. What is Pimms? Well, it is gin-based beverage that can be served both on ice or in cocktails. It has a dark tea color with a reddish tint, and tastes subtly of spice and citrus fruit. It's a very English drink but the Napoleon House in New Orleans makes a killer version! I love it with a little lemonade and a few cucumber sticks.

So when we started talking about doing signature drinks, my first thought was mine would be a classic Pimms Cup.

Classic Pimms Cup
1 shot of Pimms
2 shots of lemonade
few slices of lemon or stick of cucumber over ice

Yum! It's the perfect summer drink. The only problem with serving the Pimms Cup is the Pimms itself. The only way serving signature drink would be possible is if we buy all our liquor at the Coast Guard station. It's amazing how much less liquor is there. Unfortunately, they only stock popular liquors and I'm pretty sure Pimms isn't one of them. Should I have to forgo the Pimms Cup, I've found a few options to pick from.

the Moscow Mule
2 measures vodka
.25 measures lime juice
3 measures ginger ale

the Woo Woo! (I love the name!)
1 measure vodka
1.5 measures peach schnapps
4 measures cranberry juice

the Monkey Wrench
1.5 measures white rum
3 measures grapefruit juice
3 measures sparkling lemonade

Mr. Joey already has his drink. He's going with the gimlet.

2 measures gin
.75 measures Rose's lime cordial

If we can't get the lime cordial at a good price, he said he's going with a Mint Julep.

Mint Julep
2 ounces Bourbon
1 tbsp simple syrup

Did you have a signature drink? How did you decide what you would serve?

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