Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Ban

During the planning process, I neglected a lot of things -- cooking, cleaning, me. All my free time went into crafting things for the wedding. Our apartment turned into craft central. I don't think we saw the surface of our living room table for months.
On the flight back from Sydney, I asked Mr. Joey if he was excited to get back to normal. He enthusiastically said yes. He was looking forward to a very tidy apartment, pre-planned meals and me not crafting while we were watching a movie. I agreed. Then he said he had a request but that I may not like it - he wanted to ban crafting for an entire month. I thought about it. On the one hand, I couldn't think of any craft project I was ready to take on immediately, but on the other hand, well, you never know. After some thought, I agreed. No crafting from August 18 - September 18.

Mr. Joey said that cooking is not crafting. So I can make jam, pickles or limoncello. Cleaning and organizing is not crafting unless I make something pretty to used for organizing like the jewelry stand I need. Designing posters and stationary is crafting but he said his band won't be playing a gig until October, so no worries about that. (poop!) He did say planning for post October 18th crafts are fine.

I did manage to find a loophole in the crafting ban - projects he participates in. We are in desperate need of wine storage. We had tons of wine leftover from the wedding and were given quite a bit as wedding presents. We also brought back 4 bottles from Australia. We have 3 boxes of wine sitting in our hall. We've looked at wine racks and mini bars but haven't seen anything we like that we can afford.
The other day I was cruising the Apartment Therapy site and found the perfect wine storage project. I sent it to Mr. Joey and he loved it. He said he wanted to try it this weekend. What about the ban? He said this isn't a craft. He doesn't craft so if he participates, it isn't a craft but a home improvement project. Yeah, I don't understand either but I'm excited. This is going to look great in our current aparment and in our new home.


Now that the wedding is over, I've deleted all the wedding inspiration pictures on my laptop, unsubscribed to all wedding blogs but one (I'll let you guess), and agreed to a 1 month craft ban. What wedding related habits, collections or activities are you going to nix post-wedding?

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