Thursday, October 22, 2009

Love in Grey and Yellow : The Ceremony

Once my parents “gave” me away, I joined Mr. Joey, MOH Joey and BM Joey on the alter.  Instead of having a full mass, we opted to do a Catholic blessing instead.  Neither of us are regular mass goers and Mr. Joey is less Catholic than I am.  We thought a blessing would be a nice compromise, plus, we needed to keep the ceremony short because of traffic concerns.

Father H. started with a brief welcome and opening prayer. 

DPP_0320-3Apparently MOH Joey was already a little bored. :)


DPP_0328-1 Mr. Joey and I decided that we would each ask a family member to read during the ceremony.  Mr. Joey selected his cousin Cate and I selected my cousin Jules.  Both did a wonderful job!

DPP_0336-1 My sister and I sharing some kind of inside joke.  I wish I could remember we’re smiling at.


DPP_0348We decided to exchange traditional vows.  We dabbled with the idea of writing our own vows, but then decided the simple traditional ones were more our style.

DPP_0351 DPP_0352 A with these rings, we were wedded.

Did you write your own vows or go with the traditional ones.

Images by Jess Carmichael, editing by Mrs. Joey

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