Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Men Can Have Showers Too!

Our friend Paul just got married a few weekends ago. To celebrate his upcoming nuptials, his fellow teachers threw him a Man Shower. Yup. A shower for guys. There weren't any gifts off the registry or cute little favors but there were adults in overalls. Paul an avid gardener and lovingly refers to his 3x8 foot garden as his "farm" so his co-workers threw his a farm party. They dressed up in overall and straw hats, and bought him "farm" stuff ie seeds, rakes, shovels.

When Mr. Joey hears the words bridal shower, he cringes. Something about it want to make him run for the hills. I'm 99.99% certain we won't be having a co-ed shower. I think that's fine. But the question is, will Mr. Joey get a Man Shower? He'd say he doesn't want one (too embarrassing) but I think it would be funny. He works with this awesome teacher Jen who loves to make Mr. Joey feel uncomfortable in a comfortable way. When ever he looks a little frustrated, she always asks Mr. Joey to hug it out. He hates hugging people (besides me and relatives). She always asks the sweatiest teenager in school to stand next to him during school masses so they will inevitably have to hold hands (he hates holding hands - germs).

So of course when I thought about Mr. Joey and the Man Shower, I immediately thought of Jen. Sounds like she might be putting something together. In the end, if it isn't girlie shower, he'd love it. How do you think your groom would feel about a man shower? Anyone's husband or FI had one?

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