Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What? No wedding website?

So Mr.PapayaDog and I went back and forth about a wedding website for a long time. While we liked having a central place for travel suggestions and wedding information, he was not too excited to have his information in a searchable place.

Mr. Papayadog has some devoted but nosey students. It's the reason he doesn't have a Facebook or MySpace account and the reason he'll never tell them my last name (it's pretty unique). He's OK with a blog where his name wouldn't be in searchable text but he's not OK with a website designed to give out info about us and our relationship that his students could find.

Yes, it seems a little crazy until you have 3 students show up at your apartment one Sunday afternoon. Yes, it really happened. He teaches at a small private school, so keeping info from the kids can be hard. We've even had a few kids threaten to crash the wedding. Luckily, it's in the summer when no kid wants to be at school (the ceremony is at the school chapel) and few other teachers who are invited have sworn themselves to secrecy.

So what to do about sharing info? Local guests are easy. They don't need travel info and essentially everything they need to know is on the invitations. Out-of-town guests need travel info and suggestions for visiting the city. What to do?

Well, I came up with an idea I stole from the back of Blueprint Magazine (R.I.P). I love the layout and the play on the "Want Ads" section of the newspaper. To make it more inclusive, we emailed friends and family asking them for suggestions on what to do, see and eat here in Seattle. About half replied with great suggestions.

It took about 6 hours over several days, but I put together our version of the Blueprint spread. There were suggestions I couldn't fit in, but on the whole I love the way it turned out. I sent the spread to our contributors and everyone loved it.

(it may be better to attach the document. I'll email to you)

Are you doing a wedding website or have you come up with an alternative?

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